There are lots of items that you can get for a low cost or free by using coupons at Target. Below are list of items and links to the coupons:
Suave Shampoo $1.99 then use this $1 off coupon = $0.99 (Ends 4/1) Then you can use $1 offer at Ibotta so it is pretty much free. Don't know about Ibotta? It is another way to save money for your purchases, read this article about Ibotta.
All sales through 4/7
Truvia Nectar Sweetner $2.99 use this $1.50 off coupon = $1.49 (Ends 4/7) Then you can use $2 offer at Ibotta, which makes it free.
Moonshine Sweet Tea $1.99 use $0.50 cartwheel and this $0.50 off coupon = $0.49
Benadryl Itch Relief Stick only $1.38 when you use this $1 off coupon
Children's Claritin $9.99 use this $3/1 coupon. If you buy 2, you get a $5 gift card so the cost would be $4.49 each
Carol's Daughter $9.00 use this $3/1 coupon then get $2 from Ibotta = $4.00
Plus here are 6 New Coupons for $1.50 off a pack of Pampers
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